Recommended Resources
This page is updated frequently. Please contribute additional resources by emailing team @
Reverse 911 setup
Learn more about the county’s reverse 911 program and make sure you are enrolled.
Live dispatch information
PulsePoint - A near realtime feed of emergency events. When you first visit you will be asked to configure which cities and emergency types you want to track.
Watch Duty - Community and Emergency Service powered Wildfire information.
Fire Dispatch offers several ways to get near real-time updates on fires in Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz Fire Dispatch Twitter Account @FireDispatchSC
The FireDispatch App for iPhones (unfortunately not for Android) where you can select Santa Cruz County. for more detailed information about each incident.
FireScan - A slightly delayed feed of Santa Cruz Fire Dispatch. Interface allows you to listen to called from previous days as well.
Fire Agency Information
Current Wildfire Mapping
All of the fire maps below use the same satellite data to show where fires are (MODIS and VIIRS).
Some, like CalTopo offer a wide range of features and additional map types, others are more simple.
Get familiar with one you like so that in an emergency you can quickly interpret the data and take action.
CalTopo, you can also enable Fire History to see the historical burn boundaries
Prepared Not Scared: Wildfire Preparation Worksheet and Emergency Evacuation Guide from Fire Safe Council of Santa Cruz County
National Fire Protection Agency Report on Wildland-Urban interfaces
CALFIRE Ready for Wildfire - Access the customizable web-based App and prepare your home and family
Santa Cruz Lookout’s Wildfire Resource Center - currently has a three part series on wildfire prep
Zombie Preparedness - from the CDC began as a tongue-in-cheek campaign to engage
new audiences with emergency preparedness planning - and now it’s a real website to
help parents, teachers, and others introduce emergency topics to kids and adults.
Evacuation and Return
Zonehaven - Find your evacuation zone
Report unsafe conditions to the city
CSRP (pronounced Crisp) is the City of Santa Cruz Community Support Response Portal. You can use it to report everything from potholes to dangerous encampments.
More information about fire