We organize activities and initiatives in our neighborhood to raise awareness about wildfire preparation. Here is an example of some of the work we do:

2023 Projects

May 15th: Highland and Prospect Heights Firewise held a Town Hall with leaders from across the city and county. You can check out the meeting on YouTube!

August 26, 1:00 - 3:00: We will have a Highland Firewise table at the Mid-Highland Neighborhood Block party (on Longview). Also in attendance will be the Santa Cruz Fire Fire Marshall, Tim Shields! This will be a great opportunity to learn more about our organization and learn about opportunities for you to volunteer and make our neighborhood Firewise!

August 30th, 11:00 - 12:00:
Tree maintenance meetup with Leslie Keedy, Santa Cruz Arborist, at the High Street Community Church. Come learn how to take care of your trees to enhance the fire safety of your property!

September 5th - 12th: A green waste container will be located at the High Street Community Church parking lot. Please bring any green waste for free disposal!

September 10th, 12:30 - 1:30: Tree Maintenance meet up with long time local arborist, Don Cox, at the High Street Community Church. Come learn how to take care of your trees to enhance the fire safety of your property!

September 16th, 11:00 - 12:00: Prepare you ‘Go-bag’ hosted by Highland Firewise’s own Shareen Bell, at the High street Community Church

October 1st, 12:30 - 3:00: Andrew’s Lemonade Stand at the High Street Community Church. We will be there with a Highland Firewise table and helping support the Second Harvest Food Bank!

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Evergreen Ravine Cleanup (Status: Done)

Grab Your Gloves! Now is the time to help us clear the ravine. Contact Kevin Colluhan kevinc@santacruzmah.org to help clear the branches and other debris that the goats could not eat! Clearing begins in mid-August until we are finished.




Did you know Goats can eat up to 8 pounds of weeds and grass a day? Goats are an excellent and environmentally friendly way to clear large areas of undergrowth, which is a significant forest fire risk. Highland Firewise is currently raising money to rent 400 goats to clear the dried underbrush and downed limbs in the Evergreen cemetery ravine that are a wildfire threat in the neighborhoods around this WUI area.



Eucalyptus Trimming

In the summer of 2019, PG&E along with Santa Cruz City collaborated to identify large trees along Highland Ave. that posed a potential power outage risk or might spark a wildfire. Early in 2020 the city began to remove the crowns and lower limbs of these eucalyptus trees along Highland Ave. where the road narrows to one-lane near the corner of Highland and Hillcrest Terrace. 

Additionally, PG&E began removal of large cypress and pine trees posing a potential power outage near power poles along lower Highland.

City eucalyptus tree mitigation efforts were postponed due to budget constraints and additional demands for tree removal in other parts of the city.  The City plans to continue eucalyptus tree mitigation efforts when budget allows.
